Friday, July 29, 2011


so sorry everyone.
I announced there will be florida dates prematurely.
please allow me to change that to:



Tuesday, July 26, 2011

don't answer that question

don't answer that question...

today I'm taking stock of what I have in front of me:
a) the 3 of a perfect pair band camp in late august,
at which I'll be teaching, talking, playing, jamming,
and learning material with pat and tony.
b) the ellnora guitar festival in champagne-urbana, Il.
which happens only a week later in early september
at which I'll be giving the keynote address at
the krannert art center, performing a one-man show,
and possibly debuting the DVD of "e for orchestra"
at the art cinema in town.
c) jumping straight into performance mode with
the 2 of a perfect pair tour (which is selling well, btw)
which is being extended for another week into florida
as we speak making the total of dates nearly 40,
the miles to be driven more like 14,ooo,
the time away from home nearly two months!

this means within the next 3 weeks I will have to:
a) decide on a teaching curriculum and plan out
what to do each day of the band camp,
which ends by the way with a performance
(of what I'm not yet sure)
b) write a half-hour keynote address
(about what I'm not yet sure)
c) put together and rehearse the material for
the one-show (which means I"ll have to re-learn it),
d) put together and rehearse the material for the
2 of a perfect trio tour including whatever
krimson we decide to play as a six-piece band and,
e) pack my bag, get in the van, and drive...

that's what I'm thinking about today.

tomorrow I'll begin recording vocals for the
9 new songs daniel and I have been recording.
my cut off date for working on this material
meant for the new solo record is august 1
so I'm going to record as much as possible until then.
after august 1 I will have to stop recording
new material in order to concentrate on the above list.

right this very minute I'm asking myself...
"are you NUTS!!"

Monday, July 4, 2011

more about the tour and more...

hey everybody, thanks so much for all the comments,
questions, and support you've shown for the fall
2 of a perfect trio tour.
I feel the excitement building.
I knew we could count on you.

to clear up some of the questions you've been asking
I scheduled an interview with myself
for 9:30 this morning and that's now!
so here I go:

q: adrian, can you tell us what we can expect from
the upcoming tour with tony and pat and the two trios?

a: I'm glad you asked. the tour has been designed
to showcase each trio's music like any other concert
but with the added effect of having the remaining
players from king crimson who are still playing
king crimson music live join together to celebrate
some of our favorite pieces from our work in krimson.
tony and pat and I will do a few songs then
the six of us will play an encore set of krimson music.

q: are you excited?

a: you bet! I'm tri-cited, excited 3 times over:
1) to be playing with the power trio all across the U.S. again
2) to be playing for the first time ever with tony and pat
as a trio doing "crim-centric" material.
and 3) very excited at the sound I hear in my head
of this particular "double trio". monstrous.

q: you've recently been playing some select krimson pieces
with the power trio. how will this performance differ?

a: ABPT currently plays 6 krimson songs which is most
of the viable material that would work in a trio format.
I love the way we do the krimson stuff as a power trio.
but remember none of that material was written for or done
by a trio so it is limiting what we can and can't do.
there's no way to do, say, matte kudasai for example
with just 3 players and the same is true for most krimson.
I expect these performances to be vastly different because
for one thing we can tackle a wider range of material
such as pieces from the "double trio" era
but mostly because of the addition of tony and pat.
I expect they will singe the hair off the folks in the front row.

king crimson is an elite club.
there have only been 7 members in the last 30 years.
having tony and pat onstage, two legitimate krimson players,
will make this as close as currently possible to the actual thing.

q: have you spoken to robert about the tour?

a: we have batted emails back and forth.
robert is clearly supportive (as usual).
his called it, "an ace idea and wonderfully exciting".
for me personally I will sorely miss robert.
after all we have been partners in all of this
and so much of king crimson IS robert.
so tony and pat and I will have to carefully chose
material the two trios can make our own.

meanwhile I'm trying to convince robert of the significance
of having a life-size cut-out of him in the dark
somewhere on stage.
then people can photograph him as much as they want!

q: I know one question you've been asked most often
is whether or not this tour will go international.

a: that's right, how did you know that?
it's too early to say for certain but I think it could happen.
the tour is a behemoth with nine people traveling together
and it costs a king crimson's ransom to operate but
obviously there are fans everywhere who would love to see it.
all of us would like it to happen. we're excited.

q: what material have you thought of playing as a double trio?

a: it's still to be decided but two suggestions I have liked so far
are matte kudasai which I mentioned earlier and possibly
neal and jack and me. there are the obvious ones like
dinosaur, elephant talk, three of a perfect pair, maybe
one time or sex eat sleep drink dream but I'm also keen
to surprise with something like dig me. pat mentioned
man with an open heart as a trio with me and tony.
that could be intriguing.

stickmen will play vrooom vroom in their set,
that'll be a scorcher, and ABPT will play neurotica as a trio
which is something we really enjoy.
I'm sure many other suggestions will be considered
but that's plenty to chew on for now.

q: are there any plans to record or film this for CD or DVD?

a: nothing definite yet but we're looking at options.
right now pat and tony are in russia so communication is nyet.

q: speaking of DVD's what's happening with e for orchestra?

a: you read my mind (it's a short story). we just mastered
both the DVD and CD this past week. they're incredible!
mark colman and I have finished the artwork for both things
so I think we're about ready to go to press!
I'll be announcing something soon.

q: anything else to mention?

a: well, yes, I have been recording new material with daniel.
we're working on 7 songs right now. I have 3 more ready to do
as well as a few instrumental pieces like
variations of wave pressure.
I've been on a creative tear of late.

q: what do you do in your spare time?

a: this IS my spare time.